Putting on Christ

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:22-24

The New Testament, particularly in the writings of Paul, presents a vivid contrast between behaviors and qualities that Christians are encouraged to “put off” and those they are advised to “put on” in their pursuit of Christ-likeness. Below is an overview of these qualities with references to specific scriptures:

Qualities to Put Off:

  1. Anger, Wrath, Malice: Christians are encouraged to let go of anger, wrath, and malice. (Colossians 3:8)
  2. Blasphemy, Filthy Language: Avoiding blasphemy and unwholesome talk is emphasized. (Colossians 3:8)
  3. Lying: Being truthful is a key aspect, hence the admonition to stop lying. (Colossians 3:9)
  4. Sexual Immorality: This includes any form of sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage. (Colossians 3:5)
  5. Impurity, Lust: These are often linked to sexual sins but can apply to other areas of life as well. (Colossians 3:5)
  6. Greed: Described as idolatry, greed for material possessions is discouraged. (Colossians 3:5)
  7. Bitterness, Rage, Brawling, Slander: All forms of hostility and ill-will are to be put away. (Ephesians 4:31)
  8. Envy: This involves resenting the good fortune of others. (Galatians 5:26)

Qualities to Pursue:

  1. Compassion, Kindness: Showing empathy and kindness is highly valued. (Colossians 3:12)
  2. Humility, Gentleness: These qualities reflect the character of Christ. (Colossians 3:12; Ephesians 4:2)
  3. Patience: Bearing with one another and forgiving each other. (Colossians 3:13)
  4. Forgiveness: As the Lord forgave, so should Christians forgive. (Colossians 3:13)
  5. Love: Described as the bond of perfection, it is the greatest virtue. (Colossians 3:14; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13)
  6. Peace of Christ: Letting Christ’s peace rule in hearts. (Colossians 3:15)
  7. Thankfulness: Being grateful is a key attitude. (Colossians 3:15)
  8. Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control: These are the fruits of the Spirit to be cultivated. (Galatians 5:22-23)

This list is not exhaustive but captures some of the primary qualities discussed in Paul’s letters in the context of Christian living. Each of these qualities and their opposites are part of a broader moral and ethical framework that Paul sets out for believers, aiming to align their lives more closely with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Calling, November

Jesus Calling
by Sarah Young

== Bible references from various translations including:
New King James Version (NKJV) and New Living Translation (NLT)

November 30

PROBLEMS ARE PART OF LIFE.  They are inescapable, woven into the very fabric of this fallen world.  You tend to go into problem-solving mode all too readily, acting as if you have the capacity to fix everything.  This is a habitual response, so automatic that it bypasses your conscious thinking.  Not only does this habit frustrate you, it also distances you from Me.  Do not let fixing things be your top priority.  You are ever so limited in your capacity to correct all that is wrong in the world around you.  Don’t weigh yourself down with responsibilities that are not your own.  Instead, make your relationship with Me your primary concern.  Talk with Me about whatever is on your mind, seeking My perspective on the situation.  Rather than trying to fix everything that comes to your attention, ask Me to show you what is truly important.  Remember that you are en route to heaven, and let your problems fade in the Light of eternity. 

LUKE 10:41–42

PSALM 32:8


November 29

LET ME INFUSE MY PEACE into your innermost being.  As you sit quietly in the Light of My Presence, you can sense Peace growing within you.  This is not something that you accomplish through self-discipline and willpower; it is opening yourself to receive My blessing.  In this age of independence, people find it hard to acknowledge their neediness.  However, I have taken you along a path that has highlighted your need for Me, placing you in situations where your strengths were irrelevant and your weaknesses were glaringly evident.  Through the aridity of those desert marches, I have drawn you closer and closer to Myself.  You have discovered flowers of Peace blossoming in the most desolate places.  You have learned to thank Me for hard times and difficult journeys, trusting that through them I accomplish My best work.  You have realized that needing Me is the key to knowing Me intimately, which is the gift above all gifts.  

ISAIAH 58:11

ISAIAH 40:11

November 28

REST IN THE DEEP ASSURANCE of My unfailing Love.  Let your body, mind, and spirit relax in My Presence.  Release into My care anything that is troubling you so that you can focus your full attention on Me.  Be awed by the vast dimensions of My Love for you: wider, longer, higher, and deeper than anything you know.  Rejoice that this marvelous Love is yours forever! The best response to this glorious gift is a life steeped in thankfulness.  Every time you thank Me, you acknowledge that I am your Lord and Provider.  This is the proper stance for a child of God: receiving with thanksgiving.  Bring Me the sacrifice of gratitude, and watch to see how much I bless you.  

1 PETER 5:7


PSALM 107:21–22

November 27

LET THANKFULNESS RULE IN YOUR HEART.  As you thank Me for blessings in your life, a marvelous thing happens.  It is as if scales fall off your eyes, enabling you to see more and more of My glorious riches.  With your eyes thus opened, you can help yourself to whatever you need from My treasure house.  Each time you receive one of My golden gifts, let your thankfulness sing out praises to My Name.  “Hallelujahs” are the language of heaven, and they can become the language of your heart. A life of praise and thankfulness becomes a life filled with miracles.  Instead of trying to be in control, you focus on Me and what I am doing.  This is the power of praise: centering your entire being in Me.  This is how I created you to live, for I made you in My own image.  Enjoy abundant life by overflowing with praise and thankfulness. 


ACTS 9:18


PSALM 100:4–5

November 26

THIS IS THE DAY THAT I HAVE MADE! As you rejoice in this day of life, it will yield up to you precious gifts and beneficial training.  Walk with Me along the high road of thanksgiving, and you will find all the delights I have made ready for you.  To protect your thankfulness, you must remember that you reside in a fallen world, where blessings and sorrows intermingle freely.  A constant focus on adversity defeats many Christians.  They walk through a day that is brimming with beauty and brightness, seeing only the grayness of their thoughts.  Neglecting the practice of giving thanks has darkened their minds.  How precious are My children who remember to thank Me at all times.  They can walk through the darkest days with Joy in their hearts because they know that the Light of My Presence is still shining on them.  Rejoice in this day that I have made, for I am your steadfast Companion.  

PSALM 118:24

PSALM 116:17

November 25

THANK ME FREQUENTLY AS YOU JOURNEY THROUGH TODAY.  This practice makes it possible to pray without ceasing, as the apostle Paul taught.  If you are serious about learning to pray continually, the best approach is to thank Me in every situation.  These thankful prayers provide a solid foundation on which you can build all your other prayers.  Moreover, a grateful attitude makes it easier for you to communicate with Me.  When your mind is occupied with thanking Me, you have no time for worrying or complaining.  If you practice thankfulness consistently, negative thought patterns will gradually grow weaker and weaker.  Draw near to Me with a grateful heart, and My Presence will fill you with Joy and Peace.  



ROMANS 15:13

November 24

THANKFULNESS takes the sting out of adversity.  That is why I have instructed you to give thanks for everything.  There is an element of mystery in this transaction: You give Me thanks (regardless of your feelings), and I give you Joy (regardless of your circumstances).  This is a spiritual act of obedience—at times, blind obedience.  To people who don’t know Me intimately, it can seem irrational and even impossible to thank Me for heartrending hardships.  Nonetheless, those who obey Me in this way are invariably blessed, even though difficulties may remain.  Thankfulness opens your heart to My Presence and your mind to My thoughts.  You may still be in the same place, with the same set of circumstances, but it is as if a light has been switched on, enabling you to see from My perspective.  It is this Light of My Presence that removes the sting from adversity.  


PSALM 118:1

PSALM 89:15

November 23

AS YOU SIT QUIETLY IN MY PRESENCE, let Me fill your heart and mind with thankfulness.  This is the most direct way to achieve a thankful stance.  If your mind needs a focal point, gaze at My Love poured out for you on the cross.  Remember that nothing in heaven or on earth can separate you from that Love.  This remembrance builds a foundation of gratitude in you, a foundation that circumstances cannot shake.  As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way.  I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day.  Look carefully for them, and pluck them one by one.  When you reach the end of the day, you will have gathered a lovely bouquet. Offer it up to Me with a grateful heart.  Receive My Peace as you lie down to sleep, with thankful thoughts playing a lullaby in your mind.  

ROMANS 8:38–39

PSALM 4:7–8

November 22

A THANKFUL ATTITUDE OPENS WINDOWS OF HEAVEN.  Spiritual blessings fall freely onto you through those openings into eternity.  Moreover, as you look up with a grateful heart, you get glimpses of Glory through those windows.  You cannot yet live in heaven, but you can experience foretastes of your ultimate home.  Such samples of heavenly fare revive your hope.  Thankfulness opens you up to these experiences, which then provide further reasons to be grateful.  Thus your path becomes an upward spiral: ever increasing in gladness.  Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula it is the language of Love, which enables you to communicate intimately with Me.  A thankful mind-set does not entail a denial of reality with its plethora of problems.  Instead, it rejoices in Me, your Savior, in the midst of trials and tribulations.  I am your refuge and strength, an ever-present and well-proved help in trouble. 

HABAKKUK 3:17–18


November 21

THANK ME THROUGHOUT THIS DAY for My Presence and My Peace.  These are gifts of supernatural proportions.  Ever since the resurrection, I have comforted My followers with these messages: Peace be with you, and I am with you always.  Listen as I offer you My Peace and Presence in full measure.  The best way to receive these glorious gifts is to thank Me for them.  It is impossible to spend too much time thanking and praising Me.  I created you first and foremost to glorify Me.  Thanksgiving and praise put you in proper relationship with Me, opening the way for My riches to flow into you.  As you thank Me for My Presence and Peace, you appropriate My richest gifts.  

LUKE 24:36


HEBREWS 13:15 

November 20

I AM PLEASED WITH YOU, MY CHILD. Allow yourself to become fully aware of My pleasure shining upon you. You don’t have to perform well in order to receive My Love. In fact, a performance focus will pull you away from Me, toward some sort of Pharisaism. This can be a subtle form of idolatry: worshiping your own good works. It can also be a source of deep discouragement when your works don’t measure up to your expectations. Shift your focus from your performance to My radiant Presence. The Light of My Love shines on you continually, regardless of your feelings or behavior. Your responsibility is to be receptive to this unconditional Love. Thankfulness and trust are your primary receptors. Thank Me for everything; trust in Me at all times.  These simple disciplines will keep you open to My loving Presence.  



PSALM 62:8

November 20

I AM PLEASED WITH YOU, MY CHILD.  Allow yourself to become fully aware of My pleasure shining upon you.  You don’t have to perform well in order to receive My Love.  In fact, a performance focus will pull you away from Me, toward some sort of Pharisaism.  This can be a subtle form of idolatry: worshiping your own good works.  It can also be a source of deep discouragement when your works don’t measure up to your expectations.  Shift your focus from your performance to My radiant Presence.  The Light of My Love shines on you continually, regardless of your feelings or behavior.  Your responsibility is to be receptive to this unconditional Love.  Thankfulness and trust are your primary receptors.  Thank Me for everything trust in Me at all times.  These simple disciplines will keep you open to My loving Presence.  



PSALM 62:8

November 19

LEAVE OUTCOMES UP TO Me.  Follow Me wherever I lead, without worrying about how it will all turn out.  Think of your life as an adventure, with Me as your Guide and Companion.  Live in the now, concentrating on staying in step with Me.  When our path leads to a cliff, be willing to climb it with My help.  When we come to a resting place, take time to be refreshed in

My Presence.  Enjoy the rhythm of life lived close to Me.

You already know the ultimate destination of your journey: your entrance into heaven.  So keep your focus on the path just before you, leaving outcomes up to Me.

PSALM 27:13-14
Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness
    while I am here in the land of the living.
Wait patiently for the Lord.
    Be brave and courageous.
    Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

EXODUS 15:13
“With your unfailing love you lead
    the people you have redeemed.
In your might, you guide them
    to your sacred home.”

November 18

COME TO ME, AND REST IN MY PEACE.  My Face is shining upon you, in rays of Peace transcending understanding.  Instead of trying to figure things out yourself, you can relax in the Presence of the One who knows everything.  As you lean on Me in trusting dependence, you feel peaceful and complete.  This is how I designed you to live: in close communion with Me.

When you are around other people, you tend to cater to their expectations-real or imagined.  You feel enslaved to pleasing them, and your awareness of My Presence grows dim.  Your efforts to win their approval eventually exhaust you.  You offer these people dry crumbs rather than the living water of My Spirit flowing through you.  This is not My way for you! Stay in touch with Me, even during your busiest moments.  Let My Spirit give you words of grace as you live in the Light of My Peace.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

JOHN 7:38
Anyone who believes in Me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’”

Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

November 17

THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Me.  The law of the Spirit of Life has set you free from the law of sin and death.  Not many Christians know how to live in this radical freedom, which is their birthright.  
I died to set you free; live freely in Me!

To walk along the path of freedom, you must keep your mind firmly fixed on Me.  Many voices proclaim, “This is the way for you to go,” but only My voice tells you the true way.

If you follow the way of the world with all its glitter and glamour, you will descend deeper and deeper into an abyss.  Christian voices also can lead you astray: “Do this!” “Don’t do that!” “Pray this way!” “Don’t pray that way!” If you listen to all those voices, you will become increasingly confused.

Be content to be a simple sheep, listening for My voice and following Me.  
I will lead you into restful green pastures and guide you along paths of righteousness.

ROMANS 8:1-2
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

ISAIAH 30:21
Your own ears will hear Him.
  Right behind you a voice will say,
“This is the way you should go,”
  whether to the right or to the left.

JOHN 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.

PSALM 23:1-3
The Lord is my shepherd;
  I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
  He leads me beside peaceful streams.
  He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
  bringing honor to His name.

November 16

AS YOU LOOK AT THE DAY BEFORE YOU, you see a twisted, complicated path, with branches going off in all directions.  You wonder how you can possibly find your way through that maze.

Then you remember the One who is with you always, holding you by your right hand.  You recall My promise to guide you with My counsel, and you begin to relax.  As you look again at the path ahead, you notice that a peaceful fog has settled over it, obscuring your view.  You can see only a few steps in front of you, so you turn your attention more fully to Me and begin to enjoy My Presence.

The fog is a protection for you, calling you back into the present moment.  Although I inhabit all of space and time, you can communicate with Me only here and now.  Someday the fog will no longer be necessary, for you will have learned to keep your focus on Me and on the path just ahead of you.

PSALM 73:21-26 NLT
I realized that my heart was bitter,
  and I was all torn up inside.
I was so foolish and ignorant—
  I must have seemed like a senseless animal to You.
Yet I still belong to You;
  You hold my right hand.
You guide me with Your counsel,
  leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but You?
  I desire You more than anything on earth.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
  but God remains the strength of my heart;
  He is mine forever.

Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.

November 15

APPROACH PROBLEMS WITH A LIGHT TOUCH.  When your mind moves toward a problem area, you tend to focus on that situation so intensely that you lose sight of Me.  You pit yourself against the difficulty as if you had to conquer it immediately.  Your mind gears up for battle, and your body becomes tense and anxious.  Unless you achieve total victory, you feel defeated.

There is a better way.  When a problem starts to overshadow your thoughts, bring this matter to Me.  Talk with Me about it and look at it in the Light of My Presence.  This puts some much-needed space between you and your concern, enabling you to see from My perspective.  You will be surprised at the results.  Sometimes you may even laugh at yourself for being so serious about something so insignificant.

You will always face trouble in this life.  But more importantly, you will always have Me with you, helping you to handle whatever you encounter.  Approach problems with a light touch by viewing them in My revealing Light.

Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance.

JOHN 16:33
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

November 14

Dare to see yourself as I see you: 
radiant in My righteousness, 
cleansed by My blood. 
I view you as the one I created you to be, the one you will be in actuality when heaven becomes your home.  It is My Life within you that is changing you from glory to glory.  Rejoice in this mysterious miracle!  Thank Me continually for the amazing gift of My Spirit within you.  Try to depend on the help of the Spirit as you go through this day of life.  Pause briefly from time to time so you can consult with this Holy One inside you.  He will not force you to do His bidding, but He will guide you as you give Him space in your life.  Walk along this wondrous way of collaboration with My Spirit. 

Sarah Young

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

He (God) made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, 
so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (Christ).

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

November 13

The One who walks beside you, holding you by your hand, is the same One who lives within you.  This is a deep, unfathomable mystery.  You and I are intertwined in an intimacy involving every fiber of your being.  The Light of My Presence shines within you, as well as upon you.  I am in you, and you are in Me; therefore, nothing in heaven or on earth can separate you from Me!

As you sit quietly in My Presence, your awareness of My Life within you is heightened.  This produces the Joy of the Lord, which is your strength.  I, the God of hope, fill you with all Joy and Peace as you trust in Me, so that you may bubble over with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

“I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness,
And will hold Your hand;
I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people,
As a light to the Gentiles.”

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises.

November 12

THIS IS A TIME OF ABUNDANCE in your life.  Your cup runneth over with blessings.  After plodding uphill for many weeks, you are now traipsing through lush meadows drenched in warm sunshine.  I want you to enjoy to the full this time of ease and refreshment.  I delight in providing it for you.

Sometimes My children hesitate to receive My good gifts with open hands.  Feelings of false guilt creep in, telling them they don’t deserve to be so richly blessed.  This is non-sense-thinking because no one deserves anything from Me.  My kingdom is not about earning and deserving; it’s about believing and receiving.

When a child of Mine balks at accepting My gifts, I am deeply grieved.  When you receive My abundant blessings with a grateful heart, I rejoice.  My pleasure in giving and your pleasure in receiving flow together in joyous harmony.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

LUKE 11:9-10
“So I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives.  Everyone who seeks, finds.  And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?

November 11

DO NOT LET ANY SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES INTIMIDATE YOU.  The more challenging your day, the more of My Power I place at your disposal.  You seem to think that I empower you equally each day, but this is not so.  Your tendency upon awakening is to assess the difficulties ahead of you, measuring them against your average strength.  This is an exercise in unreality.

I know what each of your days will contain, and I empower you accordingly.  The degree to which I strengthen you on a given day is based mainly on two variables: the difficulty of your circumstances, and your willingness to depend on Me for help.  Try to view challenging days as opportunities to receive more of My Power than usual.  Look to Me for all that you need, and watch to see what I will do.  As your day, so shall your strength be.

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those He called—His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance.
I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.

Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face evermore!

November 10

FOCUS YOUR ENTIRE BEING On My living Presence.  I am most assuredly with you, enveloping you in My Love and Peace.  While you relax in My Presence, I am molding your mind and cleansing your heart.  I am re-creating you into the one I designed you to be.

As you move from stillness into the activities of your day, do not relinquish your attentiveness to Me.  If something troubles you, talk it over with Me.  If you get bored with what you are doing, fill the time with prayers and praise.  When someone irritates you, don’t let your thoughts linger on that person’s faults.  Gently nudge your mind back to Me.  Every moment is precious if you keep your focus on Me.  Any day can be a good day because My Presence permeates all time.

PSALM 89:15-16 NKJV
Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!
They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance.
16 In Your name they rejoice all day long,
And in Your righteousness they are exalted.

1 JOHN 3:19-20 NKJV
By this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him.  For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

JUDE 1:24-25 NKJV
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.

PSALM 41:12
As for me, You uphold me in my integrity,
And set me before Your face forever. NKJV
= =
You have preserved my life because I am innocent;
you have brought me into your presence forever. NLT

November 8

LEARN TO APPRECIATE difficult days.  Be stimulated by the challenges you encounter along your way.  As you journey through rough terrain with Me, gain confidence from your knowledge that together we can handle anything.  This knowledge is comprised of three parts: your relationship with Me, promises in the Bible, and past experiences of coping successfully during hard times.

Look back on your life, and see how I have helped you through difficult days.  If you are tempted to think, “Yes, but that was then, and this is now,” remember who I am! Although you and your circumstances may change dramatically, / remain the same throughout time and eternity.  This is the basis of your confidence.  In My Presence you live and move and have your being.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with My victorious right hand.

But You are the same,
And Your years will have no end.

ACTS 17:26-29
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ 29 Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising.

November 7

WORSHIP ME IN THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS.  All true beauty reflects some of who I am.  I am working My ways in you: the divine Artist creating loveliness within your being. My main work is to clear out debris and clutter, making room for My Spirit to take full possession.  Collaborate with Me in this effort by being willing to let go of anything I choose to take away.  I know what you need, and I have promised to provide all of that–abundantly!

Your sense of security must not rest in your possessions or in things going your way.  I am training you to depend on Me alone, finding fulfillment in My Presence.  This entails being satisfied with much or with little, accepting either as My will for the moment.  Instead of grasping and controlling, you are learning to release and receive.  Cultivate this receptive stance by trusting Me in every situation.

Sarah Young

PSALM 29:2 New King James Version
One thing I have desired of the Lord,
   That will I seek:
      That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
         All the days of my life,
      To behold the beauty of the Lord,
         And to inquire in His temple.

PSALM 27:4
Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name;
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

November 6

SEEK TO PLEASE Me above all else.  As you journey through today, there will be many choice-points along your way.  Most of the day’s decisions will be small ones you have to make quickly.  You need some rule of thumb to help you make good choices.  

Many people’s decisions are a combination of their habitual responses and their desire to please themselves or others.  This is not My way for you.  Strive to please Me in everything, not just in major decisions.  This is possible only to the extent that you are living in close communion with Me.  When My Presence is your deepest delight, you know almost instinctively what will please Me.  A quick glance at Me is all you need to make the right choice.  Delight yourself in Me more and more; seek My pleasure in all you do.

JOHN 8:29 New King James Version
“And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him.”

By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

November 5

YOU CAN LIVE AS CLOSE TO ME AS YOU CHOOSE.  I set up no barriers between us; neither do I tear down barriers that you erect.

People tend to think their circumstances determine the quality of their lives.  So they pour their energy into trying to control those situations.  They feel happy when things are going well and sad or frustrated when things don’t turn out as they’d hoped.  They rarely question this correlation between their circumstances and feelings.  Yet it is possible to be content in any and every situation.

Put more energy into trusting Me and enjoying My Presence.  Don’t let your well-being depend on your circumstances.  Instead, connect your joy to My precious promises:

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will meet all your needs according to My glorious riches.  Nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from My Love.

Sarah Young

Philippians 4:12 New Living Translation
I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.

Genesis 28:15 New Living Translation
“What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.”

Philippians 4:19 New Living Translation
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:38-39 New Living Translation
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.   No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

November 4

WALK PEACEFULLY WITH ME THROUGH THIS DAY.  You are wondering how you will cope with all that is expected of you.  You must traverse this day like any other: one step at a time. Instead of mentally rehearsing how you will do this or that, keep your mind on My Presence and on taking the next step.  The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from Me.  This is a training opportunity, since I designed you for deep dependence on your Shepherd-King. Challenging times wake you up and amplify your awareness of needing My help.

When you don’t know what to do, wait while I open the way before you. Trust that I know what I’m doing, and be ready to follow My lead.  I will give strength to you, and I will bless you with peace.

Exodus 33:14
The LORD replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.” 

Hebrews 13:20-21
Now may the God of peace—
   who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, 
      the great Shepherd of the sheep,
         and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—
   may he equip you with all you need 
      for doing his will. May he produce in you, 
         through the power of Jesus Christ, 
            every good thing that is pleasing to him. 
All glory to him forever and ever! Amen. 

Psalm 29:11 
The LORD gives his people strength. The LORD blesses them with peace. 

November 3

EVERY TIME Something thwarts your plans or desires, use that as a reminder to communicate with Me. This practice has several benefits. The first is obvious: Talking with Me blesses you and strengthens our relationship. Another benefit is that disappointments, instead of dragging you down, are transformed into opportunities for good. This transformation removes the sting from difficult circumstances, making it possible to be joyful in the midst of adversity.

Begin by practicing this discipline in all the little disappointments of daily life. It is often these minor setbacks that draw you away from My Presence. When you reframe setbacks as opportunities, you find that you gain much more than you have lost. It is only after much training that you can accept major losses in this positive way. But it is possible to attain the perspective of the apostle Paul, who wrote: Compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, I consider everything I once treasured to be as insignificant as rubbish.

Sarah Young

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.

November 2

GROW STRONG in the Light of My Presence. Your weakness does not repel Me. On the contrary, it attracts My Power, which is always available to flow into a yielded heart. Do not condemn yourself for your constant need of help. Instead, come to Me with your gaping neediness; let the Light of My Love fill you.

A yielded heart does not whine or rebel when the going gets rough. It musters the courage to thank Me even during hard times. Yielding yourself to My will is ultimately an act of trust. In quietness and trust is your strength.

Sarah Young

PSALM 116:5-7; EPHESIANS 5:20; ISAIAH 30:15

November 1

DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED by the difficulty of keeping your focus on Me. I know that your heart’s desire is to be aware of My Presence continually. This is a lofty goal; you aim toward it but never fully achieve it in this life. Don’t let feelings of failure weigh you down. Instead, try to see yourself as I see you.

First of all, I am delighted by your deep desire to walk closely with Me through your life. I am pleased each time you initiate communication with Me. In addition, I notice the progress you have made since you first resolved to live in My Presence.

When you realize that your mind has wandered away from Me, don’t be alarmed or surprised. You live in a world that has been rigged to distract you. Each time you plow your way through the massive distractions to communicate with Me, you achieve a victory. Rejoice in these tiny triumphs, and they will increasingly light up your days.

Sarah Young

ROMANS 8:33-34; HEBREWS 4:14-16

Romans 8:33-34

New Living Translation

33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.

Hebrews 4:14-16

New Living Translation

Christ Is Our High Priest

14 So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. 15 This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. 16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.