Jesus’ Presence

Learning to Just Be.

The story of Lazarus’ resurrection, recorded in John 11, is amazing in so many ways.  When we get to John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible.  A simple sentence, “Jesus wept.”  I am still astounded that Jesus didn’t just say, “Stop crying, it’s going to be all good in 20 minutes at the most.”  

If we are problem solvers, we typically deal with emotions by trying to fix it, first.  We want everything to be okay and sometimes say, “It’s okay” when it isn’t or “Just calm down” which has probably never helped any calm down.

If we can’t fix it, we try to explain it often with silly platitudes.  Often we use scripture as a platitude— trying to explain something tragic with just a ‘Have Faith’ or ‘God works all things for good’ type Bible verse.  

And if we can’t explain, we just deny or ignore that someone is upset or that there is a problem. Instead of fixing, explaining, or ignoring how about just be there!

Jesus inspired Paul’s command, 
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep, Romans 12:15.  

One of the hardest acts of humility is to just be with someone and 
Just Be with Them –letting go of thinking about past or future; 
not thinking about what you are going to say; 
without being impatient; 
not fixing the problem or giving advice;
letting go of your own agenda;
without judgement.

This is difficult because even if we are maturely walking in grace, we all carry around at least some unhealthy guilt, shame, and pride which makes it harder to just be present.  
Jesus wasn’t burdened with guilt, shame, or pride and was free to just be.

Another thought. John wrote, 
“For whoever does not love their brother and sister, 
whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen,” 1 John 4:20.

I wonder if is also true that—
if we can not give our full attention to and just be with our brother or sister
(that we can see and hear,)
then how can we learn to give God our full attention? Doug McCulley

Let’s follow Jesus’ example. Let’s just be present for others and before the Lord.